No Reservations: Sardinia!

No Reservations: Sardinia!
No Reservations: Sardinia!

I was having an “Anthony Bourdain” inspired moment the other day while looking through some pics of recent trips to Sardinia, Italy.  I couldn’t help but reminisce about all the culinary journeys I’ve embarked on through the years…eating weisswurst in Germany, abalone and ostrich in South Africa or burek in Istanbul.  The list goes on and on but of course my love for food and travel always brings me back to my “home away from home,” Sardinia!

Is it too presumptuous to think that I can compare myself to my culinary idol (chef, food critic and writer extraordinaire) Anthony Bourdain, because I too have ventured where many people (at least North Americans) have not ventured before?!  Although Sardinia is located right above Sicily and is roughly the same size, most people have never heard of it or let alone locate it on a map! Let’s say (in my eyes) it’s a hidden gem!

Back to the FOOD…

I’ve had my fair share of snails, weird-looking seafood, cured lard, wild boar, shrimp heads, suckling pig, intestines (although I was tricked into eating them that one and only time-and for the record, I hated them!).  I’ve also had my fair share of “normal” foods such as nougat, thin-crust pizza, pasta, and of course, gelato!!

I won’t even attempt to channel Anthony Bourdain in this post by making inappropriate jokes or statements about food (or other things), firstly, because I’m not as witty as him, and secondly, because I am not a food writer, or in that case a “writer” of any sort!  I will however provide some interesting (yet possibly stomach-churning) and mouth-watering pictures of some of the foods I’ve tasted on my “No Reservations” trips back to Sardinia.  FOUR more days….;-)

Let’s start with these (for the faint of heart)…

My all-time favourite: seafood pizza, usually in bianco or without tomato sauce.

What to do with all the figs and tomatoes accumulating in the backyard?  Why not make homemade dried figs and sundried tomatoes?!

Zuppa Gallurese: layered bread with Peretta cheese, parsley, nutmeg and broth.

Sardinian nougat…nougat with lemon, honey, berries, or even Mirto (a Sardinian liquor made from myrtle berries).

And now for the not-so faint of heart (The faint of heart should look away now!)…

Oven-roasted whole fish…looks scary but tastes delicious! (Notice the teeth? Do they have piranhas in Sardinia??)!

Freshly caught sea urchin (obviously already gobbled up!) Yum!

Shrimp…with the heads on, which I have to say its the best part!

Porcetto (roasted suckling pig) anyone?! I’m not a big meat eater but I have to eat this at least once while I’m in Sardinia. It really is delicious and the best part is the crunchy, fatty skin! (No counting calories with this one because you would lose count before you even start!!)
(Notice the teeth again?! Maybe Sardinians think they lend to the overall presentation of the meal?!)

And last but not least…Skip off to the grocery store to pick up some ground beef, pork chops…and pig’s head (on a positive note, at least nothing goes to waste!!!).

I hope I’ve sparked some interest in Sardinia and it’s culinary delights (well, for those more adventuresome folks out there!).  And for those who are “faint of heart” I hope I haven’t turned you off of any possible trips to Sardinia in the future!! 😉

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