Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday

This past Monday was an official snow day!! Schools were closed, which meant I had the day off.  I’m not afraid to admit that I literally fist-pumped the air when I read the news!!

I had a productive day planned with the kiddos which included some snow day fun…in the snow, of course! My son was super-pumped and so was my daughter, that is, until we actually stepped outside. As parents, you know all too well that feeling when you’ve prepared the kids to go outside in the winter time-the layering, the fussing to get them to stand still, trying to shove their tiny feet into big boots and they still don’t seem to fit??

Imagine THAT, and then it being all in vain!



Scoping out the situation!


Was it the snow…or was it the fact that she had to wear Dad’s tuque?! 😉


Make-shift slide!


At least I had one happy camper!


Enough is enough! Time to go inside…


Cuddle time on the couch!


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