My sweet daughter is already 6 months. Where has the time gone? Introducing first foods with a second child is obviously much easier than the first time around however, it all depends on baby’s preference and willingness to try new foods. While my son was ready for solids at only 4 months, my daughter on the other hand shows much less interest – which may be due to her overall lazy nature!
I had started my son on the Mediterranean diet for babies, recommended by the Italian paediatrician that I spoke with while vacationing in Italy. Up until that time I had followed the North American guidelines on introducing solids. In retrospect, I knew intuitively that it wasn’t working for me so when I was introduced to this new approach I embraced it whole-heartedly.
Here’s a typical meal plan for a six month old baby:
*Note: Quantities vary depending on baby’s needs. Start with a few tablespoons, and then increase quantity as needed. This lends well to babies who are formula fed. (I cannot vouch for moms who breastfeed, as I opted for formula for my kids.)
200 ml – 250 ml formula
Morning snack:
Freshly grated seasonal fruit, such as apples, peaches, etc., or mashed banana
About 150 ml homemade vegetable broth, mixed with pureed veggies, rice cereal, or tiny pasta; garnish with a drizzle of olive oil and Parmesan or soft cheese, such as Laughing Cow or ricotta
Afternoon snack:
2-3 tbs. plain full-fat yogurt (I prefer Greek) with fresh fruit or crumbled biscotti for added texture
200 ml – 250 ml formula
*Note: With this approach, formula intake is relatively less than what is recommended in North America; however, the daily addition of yogurt and cheeses are a sufficient substitute.
In all honesty, (moms ask all the time), I have NO clue as to which foods I will introduce first! I’m going with my gut…which I think all moms should do. We are constantly getting mixed messages from doctors and pediatricians, and recommendations seem to change frequently.
I think a lot of what docs tell us about food is crap, actually! I fed my baby girl spices from the getgo because I knew they did it in India, italy, and lots of other places and not to.seemed ridiculous! Curry, cinnamon, ginger, even a tiny bit of cayenne. Nothing happened except she loved it! They do grow! Heather M,
See?! Why are we so afraid of flavour here in North America!! No wonder our kids are such picky eaters 😉
Your post, “When in Rome” made me laugh as I just returned home after visiting my in-laws in Italia with my baby daughter. She is my third child but my mother in law thinks I was crazy to wait until 6 months to give my breastfed baby solids. I did bring home some baby pastine because I always fed it to my other children. Can you share your vegetable broth recipe?
Glad you had a good laugh…although you probably weren’t laughing at the time, lol! The recipe is on the Blog under “One-Pot Wonders.” It’s so easy to make and freezes really well!! Let me know if you try it…or another other recipe! I appreciate the feedback 😉